Welcome! Thanks for visiting! What brings you here today?
This space is queer-friendly, trans-friendly, pagan-friendly, poly-friendy, sex-worker-friendly, and body-positive. I won’t call you “lady” or “girl” or “dude”—unless you want me to. I am not here to offer you “cures” or special diets or multi-level marketing pitches. I don’t pretend that affirmations will be enough to make real change. I won’t tell you that yoga will fix everything or to suck it up and drive on. I’m not about saying you can heal yourself or get things done just with your thoughts. You’ve probably tried all that stuff already anyway, am I right?
Instead, you can come here for a safe place to focus on how we can be compassionate with our perfectly imperfect selves to make small, sustainable, strategic changes that add up over time to a meaningful life. Nothing fancy or flashy. Just kindness, practical time-tested skills, accountability, and support.