
A Buffet of Ways to Survive Your Pandemic Thanksgiving

A Buffet of Ways to Survive Your Pandemic Thanksgiving

This year's been rough—really rough—for a lot of us. And now we’re heading into a time that's challenging for a lot of people in a good year, and even more so when we are facing all the weirdness and losses of dumpster fire 2020. So how to cope? Look, I’ll be real with you. There's nothing that's going to make things awesome. There's nothing that's going to make things the same as they used to be. What there can be is something to help us muddle through and get us into next year, which hopefully will be a little brighter.

Social Distancing Tips from a Professional Introvert Spoonie Shrink

Social Distancing Tips from a Professional Introvert Spoonie Shrink

So you’ve decided to (or been forced to) do the kind and socially responsible thing and stay at home while COVID-19 rolls up into your area. Thank you for helping slow the spread and flatten that curve so our hospitals and other resources can try to keep up with the demands on them!

But now what? After that glow of doing your part to save humanity wears off, what on earth do you do with these days and/or week ahead? How do you emotionally and mentally get through it?

I’m going to share with you everything I’ve learned from my experiences as 1) someone who works at home; 2) a hard-core introvert; 3) someone living with multiple chronic illnesses; and 4) a licensed clinical psychologist.